Edibles Consumption Tips and Dosage Guide.

Please be aware that the effects of consuming cannabis through edibles are distinct from smoking. Even if you are a frequent cannabis smoker, your tolerance for cannabis edibles may be limited to Beginner to Casual levels. It’s important to be mindful of these differences between eating and smoking cannabis.

Below are some take-aways and tips for edible cannabis consumption.

In case of over-consumption, consider using CBD tinctures and/or beverages, antioxidant-rich options like green tea and/or hydrating fruits such as watermelon, cucumbers, and blueberries. Avoid high-fat foods like milk, cheese, avocadoes, or chocolate, as cannabinoids bind to fats and may intensify intoxication.

If you don’t feel well, please consult with medical professionals for guidance and assistance.

Edible Dosage Guide. 

Beginner or MicroDoser 

1-2.5mg  An easy entry level dosage also ideal for microdosing. Great for mild relief of pain, stress, anxiety & other symptoms. Can illicit improved focus & creativity. Will likely not affect cognition or induce intoxication. 


3-5mg For some casual edible consumers, mild to moderate intoxication may take effect. Emotional and physical relaxation may be experienced. Great for mild pain relief, nausea, inflammation and anxiety.


6—20mg For the regular edible consumer, this is the typical dosage range. Helps with sleep and lasting pain relief. This dosage range is suitable for more recreational aspects of edible cannabis consumption. 


21- 75mg. Good for experienced edibles consumers who have advanced to higher dosage and tolerance levels. An acceptable dosage range for euphoria and other desired recreational effects. Also beneficial for people experiencing pain from menstrual cramps, PMS,  body and muscle aches. Also a good sleep and relaxation aid. Be aware that these levels may also induce lethargy.


 76-200mg. Recommended for EXPERIENCED EDIBLES CONSUMERS with very high edibles tolerance levels, extreme pain or insomnia.  As a medical aid, this dosage range is suitable for individuals with conditions such as MS, Crohn’s, Lupus, severe mental cramps, undergoing cancer treatment, and other critical medical conditions.

As a recreational tool, anticipate intense euphoria and intoxication. Your coordination, perception and judgement may be compromised.

For inexperienced edibles consumers, these levels can induce extreme lethargy, sleep, psychedelic reactions like hallucinations and nausea. 

As with all responsible cannabis consumption, exercise caution and be mindful of your personal experience and tolerance levels.